Interventional Care

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Cleaning and disinfection are paramount in the health care setting. It’s important to provide enhanced disinfection in areas that may be contaminated with C. diff, SARS-CoV-2 and other microorganisms. Sani-Cloth® Bleach Germicidal Wipes provide 1,000 square feet of coverage and are effective against 50 microorganisms.
However, human error is inevitable in the disinfection process. In fact, studies have shown that approximately 50% of surfaces are missed during manual disinfection leading to the need for additional layers of disinfection to ensure completely clean surfaces. By adding UVC technology to standard disinfection practices, variables related to human error in the cleaning process are reduced.
That’s where the Tru-D UVC disinfection robot steps in. The Tru-D robot is the only UVC device of its kind with patented Sensor360® technology which compensates for room variables such as size, shape and contents by measuring the amount, or dose, of UVC needed to ensure thorough room disinfection. The robot operates from a single position without the need for frequent involvement or movement to multiple placements from staff.
Together, Sani-Cloth® Bleach Germicidal Wipes and the Tru-D UVC disinfection robot provide and enhanced, layered approach to cleaning and disinfection.