Interventional Care

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Your role is not simple. It is quite complex. We know your main goal is to prevent the transmission of healthcare associated infections and promote healthcare safety. Our goal is to provide you with the tools and knowledge to make an impact in this multi-factorial and complex profession. Learn how PDI can support you in your daily mission to mitigate disease transmission in your facility
Request More InfoYour role is not simple. It is quite complex. We know your main goal is to prevent the transmission of healthcare associated infections and promote healthcare safety. Our goal is to provide you with the tools and knowledge to make an impact in this multi-factorial and complex profession. Learn how PDI can support you in your daily mission to mitigate disease transmission in your facility
Request More InfoClean and disinfect surfaces in every environment
SEE PRODUCT FAMILYProvide skin antisepsis, device disinfection, and nasal decolonization.
SEE PRODUCT FAMILYKeep patients clean & comfortable with personal hygiene & cleansing products.
SEE PRODUCT FAMILYTru-D delivers UVC light to inactivate microorganisms on nonporous surfaces.
SEE PRODUCT FAMILYPDI’s Sani-Cloth® Bleach Wipes can help clean more efficiently, keep surfaces looking new for longer, and help protect your investments…
“Bird Flu” is caused by avian influenza A viruses that typically spread between birds, not humans. Wild water birds are…
Protect Patients, Staff, and Visitors in Healthcare Settings: Norovirus is the leading cause of foodborne outbreaks. Over half of all…
At PDI, we’re advancing our product range with a commitment to environmental and social responsibility, prioritizing safety, quality, and innovation…
We all recognize the importance of compatibility in the people we surround ourselves with. From your spouse to...
Given the rapidly increasing number of procedures performed in this setting, national programs to measure and improve the...
Behavioral healthcare represents an often overlooked and underrepresented area in healthcare. To understand the challenges of infection prevention...
Prior to 2020, there had been a significant ongoing and sustained reduction in the rate of central line-associated...
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