Interventional Care

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Healthcare Hygiene Magazine spoke with William A. Rutala, PhD, MPH, CIC, the associate chief medical officer for the UNC Medical Center; medical director of the Departments of Hospital Epidemiology and Occupational Health Service; and director of the North Carolina Statewide Infection Control Program (SPICE), about the role that automated room disinfection technology plays in environmental hygiene.
Source: Healthcare Hygiene Magazine
Excerpt from the article:
What are the advantages of UV-C technology?
WR: Over the last decade, substantial scientific evidence indicates contamination of environmental surfaces in hospital rooms plays an important role in the transmission of key healthcare-associated pathogens. A growing number of clinical studies have demonstrated that ultraviolet devices and other “no touch” technologies when used for terminal disinfection can reduce colonization or HAIs in patients admitted to these hospital rooms.
UV-C systems’ advantages include:’
• Studies show use of UV-C reduces HAIs
• Reliable microbiocidal activity against a wide range of healthcare-associated pathogens
• Room surfaces and equipment decontaminated
• Room decontamination is rapid (5-25 minutes) for vegetative bacteria
• Effective against C. difficile spores, although requires longer exposure (10-50 minutes)
• HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning) system does not need to be disabled and the room does not need to be sealed
• UV is residual free and does not give rise to health or safety concerns
• Good distribution in the room of UV energy via an automated monitoring system
• No consumable products so operating costs are low (key cost = acquisition and staff time)
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