Interventional Care

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“Bird Flu” is caused by avian influenza A viruses that typically spread between birds, not humans. Wild water birds are often the hosts and spread to other birds and animals via mucous, saliva, or feces, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
What do you do if your facility is exposed? What are the treatment options and prevention guidelines? As your partner in infection prevention, PDI is here for you with products and solutions, including our latest Pathogen Alert resource to help you navigate this outbreak.
PDI’s Sani-Cloth® Bleach Wipes can help clean more efficiently, keep surfaces looking new for longer, and help protect your…
“Bird Flu” is caused by avian influenza A viruses that typically spread between birds, not humans. Wild water birds…
Protect Patients, Staff, and Visitors in Healthcare Settings: Norovirus is the leading cause of foodborne outbreaks. Over half of…
At PDI, we’re advancing our product range with a commitment to environmental and social responsibility, prioritizing safety, quality, and…
Your Total Environment of Care Solution: From the innovators of germicidal wipes for healthcare, our Environment of Care product…
Do not let your guard down! As we enter respiratory virus season, it will be important to prepare for influenza…
Compatibility with plastics, metals, and other common materials is a critical design criteria for PDI formulations. We continually test…
Did you know that your phone can house 17,000 germs, and hands can have 4.6 million bacteria? Learn more…
The Use of 3.15% Chlorhexidine Gluconate/70% Alcohol Hub Disinfection to Prevent Central Line-Associated Blood Stream Infections in Dialysis Patients …
Help lower your blood culture contamination rates with a standardized solution: Use Prevantics® antiseptics for skin and blood culture…
Learn why the need for infection prevention measures in the dental space is…
Nasal decolonization with PVP-Iodine is now a CDC core strategy for reducing S. aureus in high-risk surgeries. Learn more about how to Defend with…